Just In
Lilliana Krishante PM
My Stories 20
Fly high and be free -
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 62, 8/6/2006
Thoughts -
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 75, 7/9/2006
Untitled Love, life, fear.
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 53, 5/17/2006
Being alone Why am I alone, just something I needed to get of my chest...
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 70, 5/17/2006
Striving for eternity We long for all of the things which we never can have
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 101, 4/24/2006
1Stars The stars, our souls, life: It is one and closely tied together. Not in an astronomically way, but different.
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 77, 4/23/2006
1Déjavu Self-explanatory
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 64, 4/18/2006
Pain LIfe is pain. Sometimes we just don't want to go on...
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 97, 2/7/2006
1Agony Changes of life, sometimes so difficult
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 117, 2/7/2006
The Wavy Sea of Feelings Feelings, the confusion and difficulties
Poetry: Love, M, English, words: 77, 1/26/2006
Questions About this person I really like and who suddenly left me...
Poetry: Life, M, English, Drama, words: 44, 1/26/2006
1Peace of mind Let me give you peace of mind, let me be your calm
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 54, 12/6/2005
1Emptiness I am empty...
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 62, 12/4/2005
1Lost, but remembered They were lost, but they will never be forgotten
Poetry: Life, K, English, Tragedy & Angst, words: 88, 10/27/2005
1Never ending life Life and death inside ourselves
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 89, 10/27/2005
1Halloween It is almost Halloween, was invited to enter a poetry contest with a halloween entry. Didn't enter, but wrote it anyway (:
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, Horror & Mystery, words: 105, 10/21/2005
Life is but a flicker of the past What is life? What should we do with it?
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 50, 10/10/2005
Is this all I suddenly got to think of my life yesterday... Is this all, is this enough
Poetry: Life, M, English, Poetry, words: 57, 10/4/2005
1Broken Heart You're breaking my heart
Poetry: Love, M, English, words: 82, favs: 1, 5/31/2005
2Love Just something I wrote a long time ago... It's about love.. Obviously
Poetry: Love, M, English, words: 85, 5/25/2005
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