About Me
My writing brain is divided into two sections, Genevive and Amanda, each with their own personality.
Name: Genevive
AKA: Genevive Russet, Gen
Strengths: Creativity, passion, child-like wonder, randomness, making odd metaphors
Weaknesses: Staying amused, planning ahead, math, remembering to clean her room
Name: Amanda
AKA: Amanda Anne, Manda, Mandy Sparkles (Disclaimer: this name is copyright to Jordan Ross and is only to be used by her)
Strengths: Organizing many ideas and details into charts, lists, and outlines, editing stories, tact, remembering useless facts
Weaknesses: Over analyzing things to death, leaving Genevive alone long enough so she can write, making friends, singing in public
Important Notices
last updated: 8/10/2009
Older works of fiction (Journey to Self-Discovery, Trusting the Truth) have been deleted and will not be coming back, ever. Sorry.
Unless otherwise noted, all works of fiction are one-shots, or are multi-chapter fics that have a small chance of ever being finished. I have tried too many times to write longer pieces only to stop a few hundred words in due to boredom/facination in another plotline in my head. I'm warning you now so you don't get too mad when I discontinue your favorite story.
This a LGBT Safe-Zone. I write slash fiction and poems. Flaming will not be tolerated. Take your homo-hating elsewhere.
I am horrible at summarizing things that are only 200 words long. (or less...)
All works on this page are the property of Genevive Russet and her subsidiaries. Do Not Steal.
I love fan art. If you would like to make some fan art based on one or more of my works, feel free. Just send me a copy when you are done.
This fan art (http:///albums/mm36/anyamariaromero/writing/?action=view¤t=neverland.jpg) was made by Nicki Dalley for the poem "Neverland". Thank you so much, Nicki.
About my Writing
last updated: 8/10/2009
The story "Speak Up" is getting changed to "Speak" and is currently being reworked. I should have the revised versions of parts 1 & 2 reposted by the end of the week and will ten be working on part 3. If I finish part 4, there will be a fan art contest for the story. I don't really know what the boys look like yet so imput would be great.
I still have a good bit of poetry that I need to post, both old stuff from deviant art and new stuff from my notebook.
My most popular story, Bedside Banter, is a one-shot. Sorry, guys. Mark and Josh were made to be anything characters, characters that can do/be anything in a scene. Maybe, if it hits 500 visits, I will write something more with them.
I love comments/reviews. They make me want to write more poems and longer stories. Constructive critique is happily welcome.