Just In
My Stories 12
8Harry Potter Read it and you'll understand.
Poetry: Politics, K, English, words: 84, 2/17/2006
2Book Review: Alichino My review of the Manga series Alichino.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, words: 732, 9/9/2005
6I Have Better Things To Worry About A serious essay/rant about the poisons in America and about how a small cigarette isn't as bad as you think. Bad grammar, good message.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Tragedy & Humor, words: 2k+, 9/1/2005
5Revolutionist I found a website about supposed freedom and equality, but they wanted everyone to conform to their standards. This is my response.
Poetry: Politics, M, English, words: 393, 8/31/2005
8Put Your Foot Where Your Mouth Is An essay/rant bout how everybody follows the current "trend" in charity work.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 689, favs: 2, 8/31/2005
6Politics and nature? I decided to try my hand at Japanese poetry. Thus, a choka was born.
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 46, 8/9/2005
8Kay the Dull Girl A limerick about a girl I know. Rated M for inappropriateness.
Poetry: General, M, English, Humor, words: 206, 8/9/2005
3Samantha's Melody A song about love.
Poetry: Song, T, English, Romance, words: 185, 8/9/2005
9DBZ: Misunderstood An essay about Dragonball Z addressing the issue of repetitiveness.
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, Sci-Fi, words: 1k+, 8/8/2005
3Schmerz Ein Lied über ein Mädchen, das ich kenne. Traurig für irgendeine schlechte Grammatik.
Poetry: Song, T, German, Angst & Drama, words: 403, 7/19/2005
2Douleur Une vraie histoire de la douleur dans les mémoires.
Poetry: Life, T, French, Drama & Angst, words: 109, 4/9/2005
8Monster For all the angsty dramaqueens who write pointless rape/abuse-fics, here ya go!
Fiction: Thriller, M, English, Drama & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 3, 4/6/2005
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