Doray PM
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2Nighttime Reminiscing
I love you very much, but since our relationship is not possible now, I hope I would move on and forget you.
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 233, 4/2/2006
2Radiance of Eternity
This will serve as a reminder for people to value time and spend it wisely.
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 229, 4/1/2006
1My January 23
An interview, an experience in indulging in Indian food, a reality check in school, and death: all in one exhausting day.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Tragedy & Angst, words: 278, 1/28/2006
I won the "Poet of the Year" award in school for this, although I reckon that this is not really well-written. I shall really appreciate feedback.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 136, 12/17/2005
2A Traveler's Predilection
It is a delight for the soul to see Catholics (Christians) and Moslems pray together.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Spiritual, words: 775, 11/26/2005
5Kernos Duriel »
Let's just say I dedicate this to someone I really wish to torture for the sake of revenge.
Fiction: Horror, T, English, Horror & Supernatural, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, updated: 11/18/2005 published: 8/21/2005
3Rotation: for my punk coconut tree
I saw a coconut tree from the window of our classroom and it inspired me to write this poem. I like the said tree very much for it only has one leaf, and of all positions, that leaf points toward the sky.
Poetry: Nature, T, English, Poetry, words: 238, favs: 2, 11/16/2005
2I Wish I Were Better
I wish I could be a better artist for the world, and a better person for my special someone.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Angst & Fantasy, words: 128, 11/14/2005
They said that a certain weather spell was proven effective. Of course I did not believe them. But I thought it would be nice if the weather spell were real. Yet, at the end of everything, I realized that I was gravely wrong.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Fantasy & Angst, words: 753, 10/27/2005
8Delicate History
This is my attempt to capture the life cycle of a butterfly from the point of view of the creature itself.
Poetry: Nature, T, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 111, favs: 1, 10/10/2005
5My Cerulescent Groom
This is a poem about a fictional man I want to have as my own, although I know that my fantasies would never be fulfilled.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Fantasy & Romance, words: 126, 10/4/2005
3You Cannot Please Everybody
(One-shot) I wrote this story two or three years ago based on a joke I encountered. I consider it a concrete example of the quote (the title). My mother and my physics teacher liked this very much. I hope you, people of fictionpress would, too.
Fiction: General, T, English, Humor, words: 635, favs: 1, 9/17/2005
1Of A Liderc
We were assigned to come up with a "lie poem" in English class. What happened to me while I was thinking was an idiosyncratic attack. A liderc is a Hungarian vampire.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry & Horror, words: 141, 9/14/2005
A poem inspired by Craig Raine's "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home."
Poetry: General, T, English, Poetry, words: 72, 9/9/2005
A poem about someone's death. I did it in two languages.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry & Tragedy, words: 217, favs: 1, 8/21/2005
Finally, I got the nerve to talk about this thing.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 56, 8/21/2005
I saw my classmate sleeping. And this situation inspired me to write this poem.
Poetry: School, T, English, Poetry, words: 54, 8/21/2005
3Frances Anne
This is probably my first decent composition about a family member who caught my attention a few weeks ago.
Poetry: Family, T, English, Poetry, words: 76, favs: 1, 8/17/2005
This is how I see myself. Compare this to the one entitled "Me"
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry, words: 66, 7/27/2005
A description of myself according to what others say.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry, words: 13, 7/27/2005
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