Just In
IAmAFighter PM
Joined May '05

name: Kristin

age: 23

former pen names: AloneCryingInside, PrayingForAngels, Blood.Butterfly

blah blah blah.. i have a passion for writing. that's all you need to know.

(updated 4.24.2013) ...And the above is true. I have always had a passion for writing, and just the subject of English in general. It has always been my favorite subject in school. However, I've grown since high school (well, I hope so, anyway). Let me share a little about myself now.

I'm 23. Female. Short, but considered average. Average intelligence (which totally reminds me of Cars 2). I am the very proud and frustrated mommy of two toddlers, boy and girl, 13 months apart. I love them to death, but there are days when I wish they had an off switch. I've recently been going back to school to get my AA as a Paramedic. Music, books, and my children are my life. I've just started writing again after a huge writer's block lasting a number of years; please forgive me if I'm not as good as others.

I embrace all reviews and critics of my writing. I want to get better and improve. The cobwebs are now shaking themselves off (dust bunnies and all, I'm sure you know how it is) and are ready to take flight. It might be a while, but I will get there. Someday. (Have I mentioned I'm a HUGE procrastinator?).

I hope you enjoy my writings.

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