Jeremy Stephen PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Authors
2The Fire
The Fire that rests within us all...
Poetry: Life, K, English, Spiritual & Fantasy, words: 138, 2/27/2006
1The Ancient One
An ancient warrior who finds redemption in life's simplest things.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Fantasy & Poetry, words: 503, 12/16/2005
3The Rose of the South
Another addition to the Anthology of the rose. Reviews welcomed. :)
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Poetry, words: 122, 6/16/2005
3Take Me Afar
I wrote this in school just for the sake of writing. It's a nice little vision of beauty of the imagination. Reviews appreciated as always.
Poetry: Fantasy, K+, English, Fantasy, words: 135, favs: 2, 6/15/2005
1Thee, Rise
This is a sestina I wrote for English class. They are extremely structured and very difficult to write. This one turned out quite nicely. Reviews are welcomed. :)
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Poetry, words: 57, favs: 1, 6/14/2005
4A Painter Paints
I wrote this up in school just out of the blue. It portrays how everything is connected in the world of creativity. Reviews are welcomed as always. :)
Poetry: Life, T, English, Spiritual, words: 270, favs: 1, 6/13/2005
1Tales of a Knight
The second installment to the 'Tales' series. Reviews are welcomed. :)
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Fantasy, words: 236, 6/10/2005
1The Curse of Power: The Redemption
A conclusion to the first poem, The Testament. Reviews are welcomed.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Fantasy & Spiritual, words: 135, 6/9/2005
1Tales of a Wayfarer
This is possibly the best poem I have ever written. I came home from school and it hit me and I scrawled it down as fast as I could. It turned out quite nicely I must say. Reviews, as always, are gladly welcomed.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Fantasy, words: 238, favs: 1, 6/8/2005
2The Rose of the North
I was having a relaxing bath when I thought of this. I scrambled out of the tub to write this down. I hope you enjoy it.
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, Fantasy, words: 107, 6/7/2005
2How Can I Compare You?
My best friend requested me to write a love poem for his girlfriend. Incase your wondering why its rated M, I feel that the older appreciate these more as many of my works are for the older audiences. Of course, there are many exceptions. :)
Poetry: Love, M, English, Romance, words: 84, 6/7/2005
1Into the Dark
A dark poem I wrote a while ago. The feelings of pain we must cope with when we turn on one another.
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, Tragedy, words: 128, 6/7/2005
Living as we Do
I had a bad day a while ago and came up with this poem.
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 427, 6/7/2005
Letter to the Pen
Who is Mightier?
Poetry: War, T, English, Poetry, words: 131, 6/6/2005
1Look upon Death
I Don't really know how to describe this.
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, words: 33, 6/3/2005
1The Epitaph of a Hero
Not so lucky after the glory of war
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, words: 38, 6/3/2005
Jei Sho and the Reign of Jakotsai »
A young warrior is out for revenge on the demon who slew his family. I wrote this a while ago and intend to finish it in a novel.
Fiction: Fantasy, M, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 15k+, 6/3/2005
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