Just In
Ginne PM
My Stories 6
3Unfair » Life happens on its own time, on its own terms. These are poems about how that feels.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Angst & Tragedy, chapters: 2, words: 100, 10/27/2006
1 Innocence Amelia learns the toughest lesson of life sooner than any person should.
Fiction: Young Adult, K+, English, Angst, words: 576, 10/17/2006
1Starbucks Reconnected Jaz is an actress who has moved on with her life since high school. She has a great career and wonderful memories. Her life is tossed a curve ball when Drew returns.
Fiction: Romance, K+, English, Romance, words: 476, 10/17/2006
He Opens the Door He watches. Very observant. He is not like them, he knows better. They will learn about the dangers eventually, just as he did so many years ago.
Fiction: General, K, English, Parody, words: 525, 10/17/2006
4To Live My Life A short poem of words I wish I could say.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Angst & Parody, words: 56, 8/9/2005
A Tim Horton's Story The story of one young lady's first job. It was at Tim Horton's [one-shot]
Fiction: Biography, K+, English, Parody, words: 439, 8/9/2005
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