I'm Shadowed Echo, Lamia Cult, Lacuna Virtus, Aedh, my real name's Thea though. I'm 15 and I live in
Australia. I have a brother, a sister and a cat. I love reading,
writing, music, drama, and martial arts. I am 1st Gup in Tang Soo Do.
No matter what my stories or poems might say, I am a very happy person. See me smile =) In my opion (yes. It is biased.) My good... stuff... is Poems: 'Darkness', 'No Sunrise'. Stories: Roll of the Die' 'Chronicles - The Disaster That Would Be, if we all lived together...' Some of the other ones may be okay though. Songs: 'Scream at the Sky' It's under poetry though... Also in my opinion (but this is also suported by what other's have said) my best work so far is 'Roll of the Die.'
If anyone knows any great stories, up here or published, please point me towards them. My emails up here so just send me a message. I love reading...
Favourite Movies
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Star Wars - The whole saga
The Phantom of the Opera
Resident Evil - All so far (which proves how incredibly crazy I am as they scared me senseless)
Pride and Prejudice
Pirates of the Caribean - All so far
Favourite TV shows
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Angel - Anybody noticing a patern? Joss Whedon say...
Veronica Mars
Dark Angel
Charmed - Before it got lame
Ghost in the Shell - Damn my brother for getting me into Anime
Favourite Books
Too many to count, my favourite author is probably Tamora Pierce. I just love the Immortal's quartet.
Favourite Music
Too much to count, but YEAH! NIGHTWISH!
9.08.06 I am sick at home with nothing to do. Hence I have been writing.
Chronicles - The Disaster That Would Be, if we all lived together - It now has a third part much to the delight of my friends.
Once upon a time - Three haikus that go together but if I told you what it was about it would ruin it. You'll understand if you've ever read a haiku before.
Will To Fight - I ditched the secret agent idea for this. I haven't finished the first chapter yet, but I'm almost there. This is the summary: "The story of tomboy, Richard Rothman, whose love for fights sends her life spiralling downwads. It also gets her caught up in something much too large for her to handle alone. There is a lesson that must be learnt if she wants to survive."
Happy Family Plus Sarcasm - I intend to continue but at a slow rate.