Hello my Preciouses *rubs hands together* are you here to read?
*gollum, gollum* yes, precious, we hoard reviews, don't we? Review
ours, precious. Oh yes, we will review you, if you review ours. One
good turn...Yes, precious.
coughs* yes, well. *snaps out of Gollum's voice* My name's Eva, middle name of Alia which is pronounced
with an 'ah' sound.yes its almost like my mother screamed when she had me. *rolls eyes at old joke*
This isn't my only Fictionpress account; as you may have picked up; I have too many favourites on my list
and I needed more space, of course, that don't mean that I didn't fill
that up (Note to self: get another space) Anywho. My name there is
SilveredScales (Yes, I do love silver; hey it's cool. It's both light
and dark.)
As you might have guessed, I like Lord of the
Rings, so DON'T PANIC!. Heh heh and Douglas Adams I love terry
prattchett books, and tonnes of other authors too, but i can't be
bothered naming them all. (did i spell tonn right? i'm terirble at
spleling) ; )
If you are reading this now... stop wasting your
life!... *hurriedly* just joking just joking! if you are reading this
now, and r=wondering why the heck I said; *Silver tears stream down my cheeks* on your review, that's just about the hightest compliment I can pay it; it means that your story, or poem has touched my soul.
rain takes away all emotions, leaving only peace*