hi everyone -
I'm writing again over on Wattpad this time, if you feel like checking it out:
lovelyheadagain (@lovelyheadagain) - Wattpad
Thanks! Swish will stay on this site :)
hello fictionpress:)
it's been a while! i've put swish back up online in case anyone still wants to read it. i haven't read through it or edited anything, and it's still a bundle of dramatic teen angst. but i just figured it would be better out there in the world for people to read rather than just sitting in my dropbox.
Hi Everyone,
Sadly Swish has been plagiarized yet again :(
I really want to keep Swish up on this site. I never wanted to make any money from my stories, it started as a FictionPress story and I want it to stay that way. Hopefully this stops happening.
A million thank yous to the kind reviewer who alerted me to the plagiarism.