Just In
Cheeseraptor5 PM
Joined Jun '05

"I don't take drugs; I am drugs." - Salvador Dali

My name is Alex. I suppose I'm a pretty sick guy. Aren't we all?

You can call me a horror writer, or a "horror artist" with the fancy quotation marks if you prefer.

Actually, that's pretty fucking dumb. Don't do that. Please.

Recent Activities:

12/1/10 - To anyone who cares even a tiny bit (you exist in my head, anyway), I'm incredibly sorry for the long stretch of inactivity. I've been turning "Alex the Writer" into "Alex the Film Student", and in all honesty, I haven't been writing anything besides essays and screenplays recently. So, er... yeah, bad news: at this point, I don't plan on finishing any of the half-baked stories I've began here, at least not any time soon. Maybe Arsenic Kisses. Big fat maybe. But for the time being, I've decided to toss all my eggs into the filmmaking basket. It's what I've wanted to do for a long time now, and I'm elated to be learning the art of the craft. Writing will always be my first love, and I know I'll never stop outright. When I find myself with some time, some inspiration and a nice setting to pen my thoughts in, you can bet your ass I'll write to my heart's content - hey, maybe I'll even wrap up the unending woes of Jamie, Jack, Mia and Stacey, or return to the world of Lila Friedmont's terrible StReTCH Pod in full force. I'm giving FictionPress a little break for now, though. To the wonderfully creative and supportive community of writers and readers out there on FP - you are the absolute fucking best. I'll be back in a bit. Live well.

7/20/10 - StReTCH, chapter five. It looks into Vincent's past a little bit, and introduces a huge aspect of the story - the Valiants. I'm putting the finishing touches on chapter six right now, so keep an eye out. Oh, and it's my birthday too! Yay!

6/7/10 - Say hello to StReTCH, chapter four. I'm really excited about the next three chapters, which seem insanely cool so far. Sorry to anyone that's been dying for more Arsenic Kisses... but what can I say? I'm a procrastinator before anything else.

5/11/10 - I don't write poetry often. If you get around to reading "Beautiful Things", be honest. Because I'm fairly certain I have no idea what I'm doing.

5/3/10 - April wasn't much of a reading month for me, personally. That said, I found "Mob Rule" by AdariasWrath23 to be quite interesting this month. Note to everyone that cares - recommend great new works to me! I rarely get around to skimming FP for new fiction, but I love reading! Promise.

If you've ever read anything on here... hey, thanks. You keep me going.

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