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My Stories 69
2The Annals of a Serotoninless Brain, or the Ramblings of a Druggie The choice is up to you, I guess. Fact and fiction blend into something as they bleed together. Albert Camus believed the absurdity of everything could destroy you if you didn't accept it. So here I present things half remembered and consummate lies. Maybe I will figure something out along the way.
Fiction: General, M, English, words: 1k+, 9/8/2015
1 there is a place where the grass is slick this isn't really a poem or a narrative it is just a thing. sometimes people die and it's difficult to remember all the details. the exact way things were or weren't. all i know is that i needed to do this.
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 720, 8/2/2015
A social scientist's eulogy for higher education Bleed me Feed me Foreget it all
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 136, 1/27/2011
Who the fuck are you? It doesn't matter. It's not.
Poetry: General, T, English, Poetry & Friendship, words: 150, 1/27/2011
1The Aesthetic Hybridizing The Penetrated It's my very own little piece of fiction, a little tale told from multiple perspectives. Maybe connected, maybe not, we'll just have to see where things take us. Rated M for language, violence, and god knows what else. All reviews welcome.
Fiction: General, M, English, words: 872, 11/9/2009
1Go figure A possible/eventual collection of stuff that is, was, or never will be.
Poetry: Life, M, English, words: 263, 10/18/2009
3America I hope you weren't expecting an apology.
Poetry: Politics, K, English, words: 222, 5/16/2009
1 Vertebra And so and so and so? Perhaps one day i'll get off of this topic
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 105, 5/15/2009
1 Desinscetisation And it rode down the Dallas street stewing in its own corruption.
Poetry: General, T, English, words: 27, 5/15/2009
1 Eulogia Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 64, 5/15/2009
Dog Seeks Omniscient Deity In honor of a thinly bound play that arrived today.
Poetry: General, K+, English, words: 73, 5/15/2009
pseduophilisophic rambaling & a halfhearted truth And what does it all mean? Damned if I know.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 85, 5/11/2009
in the end it will all amount to nothing With pedanticism and hypocrisies there lies a shallow hope.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 70, 5/11/2009
2 reflections in a dark room and uncomfortable chair Paper thin nudes and bizarre interpretations wander the halls of fine art.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 58, 5/11/2009
And to Think it Almost Made Some Sense The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there -L.P. Hartley
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 334, 1/31/2009
at two in the morning So I won't forget.
Poetry: General, T, English, words: 145, 6/19/2008
A Sloppy Collection Seven pieces thrown together.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 326, 6/19/2008
A Short History Brevity is the soul of wit, right?
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 24, favs: 1, 6/19/2008
Alternate Realities Sometimes you just need to wonder.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 91, 6/19/2008
That world civ book is messin' with my head It's all been done, before.
Poetry: General, T, English, words: 161, 1/13/2008
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