Thanks for stopping by.
Name: Alyssa
Age: 20
Some random facts about me:
--I'm more of a reader than a writer.
--I actually like living in Jersey.
--I'm book smart. NOT naturally smart. (And yes, there IS a difference.)
--I don't have a close group of friends. My friends are all spreadout and are completely random.
--I'd choose french fries over a burger any day.
--I've never had a myspace, xanga, livejournal, etc. I'm one of the remaining few!
--I laugh a LOT.
--I'm a romantic at heart. (Happy endings and cliches are the way to go!)
PS: Please do NOT review to tell me my stories are cliche. Trust me, I know already. And I prefer it that way. Thanks.
February 20, 2007:
So everyone knows that "He and Me" was my first attempt EVER at writing anything remotely related to a story so it's not surprising that I'm really protective over it. Imagine my surprise when last night, I saw a new story called "The Classic Cliche" that was ironically written by 'dare2bediffrentt.' Don't bother looking them up, they no longer exist. Anyway, so of course I open it up 'cause I love cliches (duhh), and guess what? Not only is the plot and events similar, but all the characters were too! The main guy character was named Ryan Evans, there was a little brother named Brandon, there was a marriage project, there was a guy named Justin who was gay..and the list just keeps going on! After leaving the author a message (this was going on at like 4am), I went to sleep and woke up this morning to find that the author had left me several messages saying she had never read my story before, she really liked the names Ryan and Brandon, and she had a gay guy friend Justin that was giving her inspiration. Do I believe it? I don't know, I don't know the person. But everything's done now. Both the account and the story were deleted and I guess that's all that can be done. So what's the lesson learned?! DON'T PLAGIARIZE 'CAUSE YOU WILL BE CAUGHT! Especially, when you've got people like 'angels and effects' watching out! Thanks again Louisa for sending me a message!
If for some reason, the former 'dare2bediffrentt' is reading this, just know that the issue is done now. BUT just to let you know, I really don't believe your excuses that this was a coincidence and everything just happened to be so similar. After reading "your story" again, and comparing it to mine, so many more similarities came up and the whole situation is just ridiculously unlikely. The fact that you would even message me 4 times, each with more lies, just worsens the situation. I'm glad that you deleted the story and I really hope I don't have to deal with you in the future.
February 3, 2008
2:05 am
So I was reading a story here on Fictionpress, which I was finally able to squeeze in during the very busy college life, and I come across a story that has been nominated for the SKOW Awards. Obviously, since I've been out of the loop for a while, I decide to go visit the site and see which lucky nominees there are this round.
I keep scrolling down the list, hoping to see a familiar author, when it hits me that I JUST PASSED MY OWN NAME!! Ahhh, seriously, I'm so excited to finally be nominated for my baby, He and Me for BEST CLICHE (haha, of course!). It was a complete surprise.. seriously, if you could've seen my face! Thank you to whoever nominated me and to everyone that has voted for my story. It really means a lot.. and even though it's highly unlikely that I'll win, considering I'm like in 8th place or something like that, just know that the nomination itself means so much. This is seriously the best recognition I could've gotten as a semi-author! I love you all and if you love me back, vote for He and Me here: http:///vote.php?categories
Once again, thank you!! Oh and if any of you even care anymore, I really am sorry about my non-existent updates for Not So Perfect... college is kicking my butt, and as I've said before, writing doesn't come easily to me. So I really need to devote a lot of time for each chapter-- which means the summer is my friend. :)
March 3, 2009
11:52 pm
How come I never get any emails//messages notifying me that one of my stories has been nominated for a SKOW Award?! Anyway, I'm really really really excited that Blushing Bosom Buddy has been nominated for Best One-Shot this round. There are a lot of great nominees this year, but hopefully, you guys will vote for my story! I'm really happy that this story has been nominated (thank you to whoever did) because this one-shot was really fun to write and it's actually my favorite out of the other two that I've written.
Please go to: http:///vote.php?categories to vote until March 21!
Thank you soooo much for recognizing the story and I'm glad a lot of people enjoyed Blushing Bosom Buddy as much as I did!
March 13, 2010
6:08 pm
How lovely.. Apparently, I've been plagiarized for the SECOND TIME now. And no, it wasn't on this site... it was on a site called Wattpad, which I have not heard about or even seen until today. As far as I can tell, this user: mikan_gong, has multiple stories on her profile that have similar (i.e. the SAME) title as other known Fictionpress stories. I just cannot believe the nerve of some people. As if putting a disclaimer up top makes everything okay. Not to mention my username is spelled incorrectly and I haven't even given explicit permission to post my story word for word. Ughh, I am just shaking with fury at the moment. This really ruins the experience of posting original stories online for GOOD, respectable, people to enjoy and get useful feedback in return. Now, I must admit, I haven't been that active on this site in the past year because of school, but it doesn't make me care less about my stories here, nor does it make it suddenly okay for people like mikan_gong to take advantage of my stories and the stories of other authors.
Lastly, I would like to personally THANK a fellow FP user, Katie (walkonair), for messaging me and reporting this issue. Seriously, the world needs more people like YOU!
8:00 pm
Wattpad has removed the story, thank god.
I'd also like to acknowledge the WONDERFUL Livejournal community, fpwatchers, for their continued hard work and dedication to removing plagiarists from the web! : )
January 3, 2012 @ 10:07 p.m. What a way to start the new year! I know I've been extremely MIA from this site, but I just got a message today from a really helpful user notifying me that "He and Me" was once again plagiarized. This time, it was by "pantscanttravel" on Fanfiction and is titled "BFB". Everything is completely the same besides the names. I've reported the user and personally contacted the user, but it would be great if all of you could try doing the same so that it can be taken down immediately. Just because I wrote this story years ago doesn't mean this doesn't bother me just as much. It's completely disgusting what some people will stoop so low to do. I know many authors on this site remove their stories after being plagiarized a couple of times, but I'm keeping my stories up for the true fans out there. I still get notifications from people favoriting and reviewing the stories. Just because I can't personally respond or be as active on this site anymore doesn't mean that I care any less about you guys. Thanks for the continuous love & support, and for always keeping an eye out for those that plagiarize. Love, Alyssa