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My Stories 33
1 Response to All For Not: Animal Testing A response to another FP writer's essay, because I'm bored. Updated slightly.
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, words: 1k+, 10/31/2008
7Oxfam and Make Poverty History » Responding to some of the issues raised in Leyman's essay and some others I thought worth addressing.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, chapters: 2, words: 870, updated: 8/19/2005 published: 8/11/2005
5Feeding A poem I wrote after watching my pet python eat.
Poetry: Nature, K+, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 150, favs: 3, 6/23/2005
26Reviews: Giving and Receiving Gracefully Some advice on how to deal with getting bad reviews.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 990, favs: 5, 6/21/2005
5A Remembered Moment Another poem I wrote for class. A Villanelle this time.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 146, 5/29/2005
11Stay My first sonnet
Poetry: Love, K, English, words: 167, favs: 1, 4/23/2005
7Slit Pupils and Forked Tongues » A Series of Essays about Snakes- Biology, Mythology and Miscellaneous Ramblings on the General Topic- Ch. 5 added- If It Can't Hurt You Leave it Alone!
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 5, words: 3k+, updated: 3/31/2005 published: 3/6/2005
108Musings » A collection of essays on random different topics- ch.22 added
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 22, words: 17k+, favs: 9, updated: 2/8/2005 published: 8/2/2003
9Human Cloning » Discussion of some of the issues raised by the idea of cloning humans
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 3, words: 916, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 10/21/2004 published: 10/15/2004
4In Defense of Hedonism A reply to 'Remnant', I wanted to clear up some misunderstandings about hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, words: 2k+, 9/5/2004
36Who Knows? » An explanation of Agnostic reasoning and examination of the various 'proofs' of God's existence Ch.7 added- Pascal's Wager
Fiction: Essay, T, English, chapters: 7, words: 5k+, favs: 2, updated: 8/21/2004 published: 5/28/2004
7Practice I've haven't written any poetry in a while, so I wrote these for practice.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, Humor, words: 75, 8/7/2004
20Demonic Toasties from Heck » An essay on relgious tolerance and cheese...read it and see (ch 4 added)
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, Humor, chapters: 5, words: 3k+, updated: 8/7/2004 published: 7/17/2004
11Charity Rules » A drunken response to Nenomen's essay, and a rushed response to a response to it
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, Humor, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, updated: 6/17/2004 published: 6/16/2004
22Evolution and Creation A rebuttal of jk-89's essays on these subjects.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 1k+, 9/30/2003
50I don't eat meat so sue me! » An essay on why I don't eat meat. I'm not good at titles. Updated.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 4, updated: 8/2/2003 published: 4/17/2003
24The Greatest Nation » Following all these arguments about which is the greatest nation, an on what it is to be great. Not about America.
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, updated: 8/1/2003 published: 7/17/2003
19What The Frell Are You Eating? » An essay about the dangers of eating meat
Fiction: Essay, T, English, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 1, updated: 7/19/2003 published: 7/5/2003
6Some Misconceptions About the Death Penalty » A response to some other essays on the topic and reviews they received.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, chapters: 3, words: 1k+, updated: 6/28/2003 published: 6/23/2003
8Just a Little White Lie An essay on the ethics of lying
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 1k+, 6/26/2003
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