8.16.08-Congratulations Michael Phelps on making history winning 8 gold medals in Beijing!
I have been known to change the spelling of my name many times Since I can't keep things the same for too long, I have to shake things up
I just graduated from high school, the biggest relief of my life
I'm planning on majoring in English mostly creative writing then possibly going into teaching
I spend the majority of my time writing and listening to music
I can be very stubborn
I can proudly say that I have seen Four Brothers and Shooter almost 300 hundred times and I never get bored of watching Marc Wahlberg run around looking hot and angry
I try and tell it like it is but sometimes I don't want to hurt someone
Music (I have very diverse tastes from the Jonas Brothers to Rise Against, Neil Diamond to Coldplay
Movies (Love most genres except scary movies)
And other things such as Kevin Jonas/Michael Phelps/Chace Crawford
Also you can always shoot me an email or instant message just message me about my sn and we can chat