Just In
Rocki Smith PM
My Stories 16
1 Lightning Even when you do learn how to read between the lines, you're never quite sure if you're supposed to. -
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 73, 7/27/2009
2 My Name Always remember that you can put yourself anywhere you want in the world, and it's no one's job to tell you that you can't.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 110, favs: 1, follows: 1, 7/23/2009
3 Still don't have a title Finished it just before school ended. Any ideas for a title?
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 333, favs: 2, follows: 1, 7/20/2009
1Things that i can't forget A compilation of Thrice lyrics that I just had to put somewhere, lest I forget them and the meanings behind them.
Poetry: Song, K, English, words: 183, 7/8/2009
Just a dream? An account, as exact as I could make it, of a strangely realistic and vivid dream I had this morning. Any unintentional exaggerations are as small as possible. And there are no intentional exaggerations, either!
Fiction: Romance, K+, English, Romance & Drama, words: 917, 7/2/2009
1 Dream An account, as exact as I could make it, of a strangely realistic and vivid dream I had this morning. Any unintentional exaggerations are as small as possible. And there are no intentional exaggerations, either!
Fiction: Romance, K+, English, Romance & Drama, words: 917, 7/2/2009
1 Romeo and Juliet This is based upon the wordplay of Romeo and Juliet. It is meant to be a duet. Italics are Juliet, all of the rest is Romeo. Imagine those two voices as you read.
Poetry: Song, T, English, Romance & Tragedy, words: 190, 11/5/2007
Would I Die for You and Me Yes, I know that I'm now officially a hypocrite, but here I am anyway, analyzing my own life.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 38, 4/16/2007
My Hand is Free Why I am pissed at everyone who tries to 'analyze' my work.
Poetry: General, K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 76, 4/16/2007
Amazing Grace I Love You So A sonnet about how much I love the Grace that has saved me countless times.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance, words: 77, 1/31/2007
1 Falling Up Kind of metaphorical, like most of my others... if you dig really really really deep into the recesses of your mind to figure this one out, you'll find some political stuff... Genre 2 is better describes as 'parody of life'
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry & Parody, words: 117, 1/31/2007
1 Amazing Grace It's kind of hard to understand, so don't feel bad if you don't get it... just keep on thinking about it...
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry, words: 49, 1/31/2007
1 Freedom A haiku series about finally breaking up with a boy that I didn't even like in the first place... he smelled bad, to tell the truth, but that's not why I broke up with him.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 48, favs: 1, 1/9/2007
This is the part where the world needs help Are you gonna do your part or not?
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry, words: 48, 12/14/2006
That old familiar fear Who's telling the truth...Mom or Dad?
Poetry: Family, K+, English, Poetry, words: 50, 12/14/2006
2 Streets of acid A metaphorical song about drugs...
Poetry: Song, T, English, Angst & Poetry, words: 86, favs: 1, 12/6/2006
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