D.L. Elizabeth PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
Joined Dec '05
"Storytellers are omnescient, they know everything!" - Gonzo the Great as Charles Dickens in A Muppet's Christmas Carol.
Hello all! I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself, hm? Since I'm not feeling particularly creative at the moment, I'll just give you lists of things I like...
I like: Emery, Terminal, Mae, Socratic, Athlete, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab for Cutie, Jars of Clay, Motion City Soundtrack, MAE
People I like: Tumnus!! ^.^ Li, Kinz, Kara, Julie, Becki, Jon, Josh, Little Brandon (XD), Big Brandon, Brandon Gray, RAE,Jonnathon Livingston Seagull, Frances and Emily (not particularly in that order)