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ChaosRequiem PM
My Stories 5
Diary of an Anon .
Fiction: General, T, English, words: 2k+, 3/20/2008
5RCDV » Thoughtful story of the fall of humanity and its struggle to rebuild in a world that lacks many of the aspects of life that have come to be taken for granted. Lacks most concepts of scifi, like technology and machines, but remains in a futuristic setting.
Fiction: Sci-Fi, T, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 13k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, updated: 7/19/2007 published: 7/7/2007
Beasts In a world overrun with Beasts, your only chance at survival is to lose your heart and possibly your life.
Fiction: Action, T, English, Sci-Fi & Suspense, words: 1k+, 6/3/2006
16Chaos » A mysterious stranger hunts a demoinic boy, an insane prisoner seeks escape, and a cold apprentice searches for answers. This story is very long and complex, and it may be kind of difficult to understand in some places. Rated T for violence.
Fiction: Fantasy, T, English, Adventure & Horror, chapters: 35, words: 30k+, favs: 7, follows: 1, updated: 4/30/2006 published: 1/5/2006
2Beasts partial version This is a short story that I wrote, and it's most likely going to be published by Midici Publishing. It takes place in a post apocalypitic United States overrun by Beasts. I'm probably going to expand at a later date.
Fiction: Action, T, English, Suspense, words: 864, 2/15/2006
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