I have a million names.
I admire strength, courage, self-confidence, honesty and tolerance.
I adore my godson and my dog, and the newest member of our family (Grisu, the cat).
I like coffee, laughing, music and literature.
I couldn't live without my family (my mother, my father and my two sisters) and my friends (who're part of my family).
I hope although I know it's not going to happen.
I'm never going to grow up.
I'd like to be my own superhero; capes are freaking amazing.
I'm optimistic although I'd like to be a pessimist.
I believe in some sort of higher power and in miracles, even though I don't understand why.
I'm a perfectionist and a procastinator.
I'm imperfect, self-conscious, shy, impatient, stubborn.
I wish to have my very own fairytale.
I want to be special and different.
I'm a hopeless romantic, but I'd like to be a feminist.
I support homosexuality.
I was the best student in my class, and I still failed my first exam at University.
I think it's easier to be a boy, but i like being a girl, most of the time.
I dream of achieving great things.
Nice to meet you, E. M. Isle
To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human-being can fight; and never stop fighting.
Courage, Captain, do not stumble though thy path be dark as night. There is a star to guide thee. Let the road be dark and dreary and its end far out of sight. Face it bravely, strongly or weary. Trust in God, and do the right.