Just In
Dillusional PM
Joined Feb '06

November 11: A few minutes ago, I took all my stories down. If it wasn't for fictionpress rules about posting authors notes on their own, I would have made on of those. The fact of the matter is, I no longer have the time or the inclination to write and post on this website. I love fictionpress, I really do. But I am a full time Uni student on a very demanding course, and writing must come second, as it's only my hobby.

Also, I'm sure I don't need to mention that plagiarism is often an issue on this site. I've lost count of the amount of times my stories have been plagiarised in the years I've been posting. It must be at least 7 or 8 seperate instances by now. I'm no longer willing to deal with it.

I'm really, really sorry for taking down Letter Tag in particular, seeing as it was an unfinished rewrite. As it stands right now, I can't see myself ever posting anything here again, but things change, and you never know, I may be back with more one day. If I do, however, I will definitely make sure it is a story that's completely finished first, so I don't have to leave people hanging.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has ever reviewed or followed me on here. I'm deeply thankful for your comments and input, because you've helped me improve my writing skills a great deal more than I would have done otherwise.

Happy reading everyone,


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