Just In
anitsirK PM
My Stories 4
1 My Epitaphshould I ask to be buried Life is naught but the breath of Time blown upon the human shell...While the corpse to elements is a slave, the spirit transcends eternity.
Poetry: Religion, K+, English, Spiritual, words: 372, 2/17/2010
If A Tree Could Love My thoughts before bed.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, words: 196, 9/18/2009
1 I Refuse to Live a Curse It has been said and said again: love is the greatest thing of all.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, words: 201, 9/18/2009
To My Future Husband I love that you never forget to thank God every day for me. I may not always see you making the sign of the cross, but your gratitude is evident even in your simplest actions. A short and simple reflection paper I wrote for school.
Fiction: Romance, K+, English, words: 513, 9/18/2009
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