Hello everyone...
If your reading this then you must like my work... or you hate it. *smiles devilishly* either way I have succeded in making you read my profile ^_^ well, I love to write, fiction is probely my favriote.. however I do write poetry, songs, and even essays.
Fun Middi Medici Facts
1) Shes crazy! *glares at the random personality*
2) She loves Yaoi and guyXguy stories, writes many herself
3) Her favriote author is Laurell K hamilton (woot!)
4) Shes clumpsy, scatter brained, completely dense, and at times sooo adorable (Kawai)
5) Shes 18 and lives in Las Vegas... and yet has no life outside of work and writing and her lovable girlfriend!
thats all for now folks! feel free to e mail me if you like, and I will respond post haste! If you feel the need to say hi do that too!
The Night's Conquer
Middi Medici