My life currently revolves around writing, moping, and comics. I'm a big CLAMP fan, I love Clover and X especially. I just recently discovered online comics, and am now obsessive about Boy Meets Boy (Mmm, Cy... Mmmm, Skids...) and Demonology 101.
I spend excessive amounts of time pissing about on the internet, and have since discovered my true calling: being the bitch of Pixie518. Ironic, almost, with her being a femme and all. It was her that set me up with this http:///users/demonsgate (for which I am eternally grateful). At the moment though it's set to friends only, for the benefit of certain people. One of those people being me. You see, if you want to read it, which you do, right? Just add me to your LJ friends list, and I'll add you back. This has the effect of making all parties involved seem more popular than they are, which just makes me feel all glowy inside.