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Favorite Stories 8
18Letters from Andalie » by Promiscuous Geek -"Dear Jade, I punched a Viscount." "Dear Audrey, Why am I not surprised?" Concerning handsome men, scheming courtiers and various magical paraphernalia: the private correspondence between a novice mage and a hapless spy. /co-written with Mellifluence/
Fiction: Fantasy, K+, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 12, words: 18k+, favs: 10, follows: 21, updated: 12/28/2008 published: 9/29/2008
77 Losing Isn't All That Bad » by EruptingFender9 So that's how it happened. I lost the bet, and now he had to know. The guy I had never ever talked to a day in my life had to find out that I liked him. This was bound to be awkward.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 6k+, favs: 274, follows: 22, updated: 4/19/2008 published: 4/12/2008
77 The Cute One by angels and airwaves Then he smiled. This gorgeous, dazzling smile that took my breath away. 'CUTE', I muttered,[or so I thought]. He froze. I guess when your iPod is blasting Aerosmith in your ears, you don't realize you're 50 decibels too loud. Well done, Isabel. Well done.
Fiction: Romance, K, English, Romance, words: 101, favs: 116, follows: 12, 10/14/2007
144 The Cynic's Creed » by louragan A reposting. She writes to a stranger via poetry in library books and learns what it means to speak, to love, and to be alive.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Poetry, chapters: 12, words: 54k+, favs: 139, follows: 6, updated: 10/1/2007 published: 9/30/2007
365 Eulogies and Post It Notes Can Change the World! by Imaginary Parachute [VERY LONG ONE SHOT] Abe Pruitt is going to improve the world, and she's doing it with sticky notes. Jack St. James is going to keep on being bothersome, and he looks good doing it, damn him. Doesn't it suck when the tables are turned? [EDITED]
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 13k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 91, updated: 6/29/2007 published: 6/5/2007
49 Sweets by its.Nothing.Special Because Hello Kitty and chocolate always make a relationship worth trying. [Oneshot]
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 142, follows: 13, 2/10/2007
22 Of Monkey's and Unicycle's by WalkingWithAGhost She was dancing with a monkey on her shoulder, he was riding a silent unicycle. Perfect. OK, so that's not entirely true...[Oneshot]
Fiction: Romance, K, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 38, follows: 2, 12/9/2006
332 Sly Dog by Lainiee Winning her over had nothing to do with flowers, chocolate or suave dance moves. He only kept barging through her door to harass her. [OneShot]
Fiction: Romance, K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 79, 8/15/2005
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