Just In
Anna Christie PM
My Stories 36
1 Dee Ee Pee Are Ee Es Es Eye Oh In Why won't the clock just stop ticking already? Reviews returned as always. Thanks!
Poetry: Life, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, words: 127, 2/3/2014
34Life and Stuff: A Haiku Collection » UPDATED FEB 2014 An ongoing collection of haiku poems. Please R&R! They get better as they go, since I hadn't ever written Haiku until I did this project. PS I'll do my best to return all reviews but please be patient as I'm very busy and can't always get to it immediately. Thanks and enjoy!
Poetry: Haiku, T, English, chapters: 16, words: 314, favs: 1, updated: 2/3/2014 published: 10/24/2009
2 Michigan Raw, unedited, painful loss of a friend to almost a thousand miles and our closeness. As always, I will return all reviews.
Poetry: Friendship, T, English, Angst & Tragedy, words: 426, 1/4/2014
1 Moments Grab onto them. As always, I will return all reviews.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Drama, words: 82, 1/4/2014
1 Math Class Inspiration I recall only vaguely what I wrote this about, but it haunts me at times... welcome to interpretation. Will return reviews as always.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, words: 161, 1/4/2014
January Blues 'Tis that post-holiday slump time of year and, as usual, I'm feeling those January Blues... here's what I think we should do about them! Silly, mostly nonsensical, but what do you expect? It's January, after all!
Poetry: Life, K, English, Humor, words: 150, 1/4/2014
The Devil On My Shoulder You ruined me.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 578, favs: 1, 6/26/2013
1100 Themes Challenge » Description inside. WIP, Rating this T for possible content of future chapters.
Poetry: General, T, English, chapters: 3, words: 340, favs: 1, updated: 6/5/2012 published: 4/20/2012
2 Treehouse Days Remember that summer, Kat? Rated T for one cuss word.
Poetry: Friendship, T, English, Friendship & Drama, words: 181, 3/23/2012
1 Empire Heavily influenced by having just completed all 3 Uncharted games in a row over about a 5 day stretch and then listening to Long Road Out of Eden on repeat. haha Please R&R, thanks!
Poetry: General, K+, English, Adventure, words: 289, 1/9/2012
8 Heroine Phoenix rising from the ash... - R&R please and thank you. :
Poetry: Life, K, English, Mystery & Friendship, words: 78, favs: 3, 11/8/2009
9 Where Do We Go From Here? They say love's a give and take... - A country-ish song. R&R please! Thanks! Will return reviews but be patient cause I've been busy lately. Thank you, enjoy!
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 295, favs: 2, 11/1/2009
6 Anymore I can't take your mourning. - R&R please. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one but I'll let you guys decide! Thank you so much! Reviews will be returned. :
Poetry: Song, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, words: 257, favs: 1, 10/27/2009
4 Midnight Sun The sun was bearing down. 10'o'clock, I didn't knock, just walked right in your door. - R&R Please, please, please! -huge smile- Thank you! PS I'll be doing my best to return all reviews, just so you know. Thank you!
Poetry: Life, T, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 588, favs: 2, 10/27/2009
2 Ghost of You Lying here beside, an imaginary you. - R&R please! Reviews will be returned asap. :
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Fantasy, words: 45, 10/24/2009
6 To Nowhere in Particular It wasn't a pretty story... But you were pulling me in... Everything around me said, "Run!"... I think we turned out like a wrecking ball let loose. - R&R please and thank you! Reviews returned asap.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 297, favs: 3, 10/22/2009
3 The Boy Whose Name I'll Never Utter Aloud ..kiss of passion. ..kiss of death. - R&R please and thank you. : Review will be returned asap.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 331, favs: 1, 10/22/2009
10 The Consequences A poem about a girl killed in a car accident... Yeah, the summary's dumb, I know. But the poem, I hope, is much better. R&R please! Thanks and review will be returned as soon as possible!
Poetry: Life, T, English, Tragedy & Hurt/Comfort, words: 608, favs: 3, follows: 1, 10/22/2009
2 Blair Christened Blair, a day and a year, her beauty oh, so fair. - R&R please and thank you! Reviews will be returned asap. :
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Friendship & Family, words: 217, 10/18/2009
5 See Me CRY You break no rules they ever made. You never would. You've always been the perfect girl. - R&R please and thank you! Reviews will be returned asap!
Poetry: Song, T, English, Drama & Family, words: 299, 10/17/2009
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