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John Scott Brewer
Favorite Stories 16
94Free Will » by blue ruin They say you can tell a lot about a person just by looking into their eyes—that the eyes are the gateway to the human soul. I never believed that to be true. . .until I met him.
Fiction: Supernatural, T, English, Romance & Horror, chapters: 9, words: 28k+, favs: 18, follows: 20, updated: 5/18/2009 published: 9/16/2007
1Marilyn Monroe by East-0f-Eden ...i swear why do they always make you have a summary?
Poetry: General, T, English, words: 110, favs: 1, 1/26/2009
4 Word Play by piemage Don't know if I like this poem or not. I just want strawberries...
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 67, favs: 1, 9/23/2008
2Witches’ Hollow and What Abdul Alhazred Found by East-0f-Eden He found something there at least I think he did.
Poetry: General, K, English, Supernatural & Fantasy, words: 104, favs: 1, 7/16/2008
3Would You Still Love Me? by East-0f-Eden Family, would you still love me?
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 102, favs: 1, 6/25/2008
5World's End by East-0f-Eden So this is how I think the world will end. Bradbury, Frost, Tytherpol.
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Poetry, words: 156, favs: 3, 5/15/2008
4 Irrevocable by romance at short notice After working so hard...
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 84, favs: 1, 3/11/2008
6Colorful Card Tower by SEMMU A poem full of color that illustrates why many don't deviate from the norms. Society seems to be well planned and running from "natural", at least that's how I feel.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry, words: 110, favs: 2, 12/19/2007
27Spork » by Leylique Morrow You're much too thin,' the spoon replied, her pride but slightly hurt. 'And as for being fat' she spat, 'I'll have you know they're curves'
Poetry: Humor, K, English, Poetry & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 737, favs: 25, updated: 10/1/2007 published: 7/27/2005
6 The Scissor Man by Belladonna Wyrmwud Please come and meet the Scissor Man. He's awful excited to meet you. A poem like story written from the point of view of a strange young man. A oneshot. Please read and review!
Fiction: Horror, T, English, Horror & Suspense, words: 533, favs: 5, 9/21/2007
3 You by The Imposer You
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 55, favs: 1, 9/14/2007
2 Storming by Willow Adams The face that haunts her dreams.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Drama, words: 147, favs: 2, 1/25/2007
5 an experiment in sound by no.peace.los.angeles knuckles buckle and fold
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama, words: 29, favs: 1, 11/1/2006
3Social Butterfly by Luckie Flutter... Flutter... Flutter... Fly oh torn butterfly
Poetry: Life, K+, English, words: 69, favs: 1, 2/22/2005
17Whimsy » by Willow Elandria just some frivolous doggerel... hah! i used the word doggerel!
Poetry: Humor, K, English, Humor, chapters: 2, words: 268, favs: 5, updated: 5/3/2004 published: 3/30/2004
4May I Slice Your Meat? by Amber3 Work Experience
Fiction: General, T, English, Horror, words: 247, favs: 1, 9/12/2002
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