Sarcasms a must. So are the ARTS. Fourteen, yeah, pretty young. Imagination is my escape. Piano&Guitar. Reading to escape reality. Filipinay. Corny jokes and pick-up lines. Quotes that are so incredibly realistic that you have to go, 'Wow, that is so true.' Disney movies, a kid at heart. Doesn't have the best grammar. Not the smartest person in the world, but not the stupidest either. I get by with nothing but music. Comfortable silences and doing nothing. Writing words that can mean something to someone. Trying to reach out to people. Goal in life; Change the world, or at least a small part of it. Everything you need to know you can find out by how I write. Especially through the actions of my characters. Shocking, no? Presumably a procrastinator, I just thought you should know because of the fact my stories updating late. I wait for inspiration to come to me, and I don't really need to rush things. Act on an impulse? I guess so. Anyways, I don't like goodbyes so I'll just say Later.
Sorry about changing the pen name. Hehe, so yeah. This is still JelloGelatin, don't forget. (:
Updates on HLA;
Wow, it's been a while. Sorry people, I kind of got lost in all the stuff for high school. Yeah, first year but that's not the point. I've decided to re-edit the whole story of His Little Angel. I've got the first chapter that's re-edited up and working on the second chapter.
Updates on THDASA;
Okay, I've decided to put this story on hiatus. I didn't even know exactly where it was going in the first place. I think it's just extremely messy, and all over the place. I need to do some serious re-editing on that one. I think I may start it up again after HLA because of the fact that I know what's going to happen in HLA. (: