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RockFan PM
Joined Mar '07

JULY 2012: So sorry to those that have emailed me - I rarely mess with the rockfan email account anymore (it's so full of spam - ugh). You can reach me on Facebook - jennaleigh(dot)paul. On the upside, I am thinking about finishing 'One in Every Family' on this site because it nags me constantly that it's not finished.

APRIL 2012: Moving quickly now! Once the artwork is completed, we will prepare Phone Calls for release on Amazon. Print copies will be available later. Please check Facebook for updates!!

April 2012: Phone Calls is moving forward. We are editing now. I have set up a Facebook for my YA Penname (JL Paul - the one that will be used for Phone Calls) so please friend me there for updates.

June 2013: Phone Calls is finally available. See my FB page JL Paul for more details. Or just email me!

January 2014: Close to the Vest is finished and available. See my FB page for JL Paul or JL Paul Books for more details.

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