My Stories 31
Would You Like a Coke with That?
You really liked Filet-O-Fish . I'd always remembered that. All the details I had forgotten but that one stuck. I'd always been down for fast food but eating frozen "fish" patties was tantamount to sacrilege and was one of those things I just wouldn't do. But you would.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 174, 8/30/2013
Wish List
You were in the waiting room anxiously anticipating what diagnosis they would give Madi. If only I could have been there to take your hand as you made the hard decision to put her down. As you stood over your first cat and watched the life leave her eyes. I could have been the one you confided in, when you felt you had no one.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 366, 8/30/2013
While You Were Sleeping
I sit outside, a glass of scotch in my hand, taking desperate drags from a limp cigarette in between sips. I finish my cigarette, head inside, towards the warmth of my bed with you in it.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 163, 8/30/2013
Thanks, Snake!
"You're a cat," I proclaimed confidently between giggles. You weren't actually a cat but the way you stretched, eyes mostly closed, hands clawing slowly at the wall was absolutely feline. Earlier we'd indulged in a luxurious dinner and some of my father's garage made whisky around a bonfire in my backyard.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 372, 8/30/2013
My room is laid to waste. Full of mosquito nets, water proof clothing and sunscreen. Protein bars of various flavors are strewn across the floor. A dismantled first aid kit lies in the corner, as I've ripped out some of its pieces to replace them with things that will be more useful. I have all my vaccines and at this point am just waiting for my flight to come.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 199, 8/30/2013
Late Night
I couldn't face the way you looked that night when I put myself on display, shared myself with a crowd of pigs. It was more than jealousy. It was the look of someone who'd realized just what my game was and how soon it'd swallow me up.
Poetry: Love, M, English, Drama & Angst, words: 326, 8/30/2013
In Hindsight
That day we stuffed your little blue car full of everything you'd ever owned. Playing Tetris with bags and amps and old books. You slammed the back shut with prideful gusto and your roommate's mom handed you an Obama sticker to use as a seal.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance & Drama, words: 177, 8/30/2013
First Meeting
The pieces coming apart and bubbles rising to the surface like an alkaseltzer tablet in water. What little was holding me to him had become water soluble and now I was just waiting for it to end.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Poetry, words: 474, 8/30/2013
Breezeway Motel
We chose that motel because I couldn't go home, I was supposed to be clean, and you wanted a change of scenery. You were laying on the tacky bed spread. I had some wine on the night stand next to some novel you'd had in your car. I figured it would do. I make the strangest impulse decisions, buy some blow, fall in love with someone that's going to leave.
Poetry: Love, M, English, Romance & Drama, words: 256, 8/30/2013
There's no "prose poetry" option. You toss the seitan with some soy sauce and black pepper. Expertly luring it around the skillet as the ingredients sizzle in coconut oil. Preheating the oven with your third hand you toast the bread. I prepare the supporting cast: chopping jalapeños into thin slices, pulling pickled daikon and carrots from the refrigerator, finding the softest st
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Humor, words: 171, 8/30/2013
That was then, this is now
I was a succubus jumping from bed, to backseat, to bed, again, feeding off my power over lovers' lips, the looks of lust I'd get as passers by caught glimpses of skin hardly hidden under scraps of fabric, sold as clothing.
Poetry: Love, M, English, Angst & Romance, words: 114, 8/30/2013
Beauty Rest
I nuzzle in closer, wanting to burrow into him, dig my way through his skin and take up residence in his ribcage. To become the ink in his skin, to leave my mark on him.
Poetry: Love, M, English, Romance & Poetry, words: 245, 8/30/2013
Where I'm From, again
Had to write yet another "Where I'm From" poem for a class. Tried to take a different take on it than I did in the other billion poems I had to write on this subject. About creativity, art and life. Please read and review, thanks!
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 185, 10/21/2012
Thank You Very Much
As they sip on cappuccinos made by invisible ghosts they chit chat about who's kids are moving back in with who, the botched Botox that their "friend" had done and the best way to make more money on the backs of the downtrodden. Please read and review.
Poetry: Work, T, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 236, favs: 2, 10/20/2012
Guilt, gnawing
And tonight, like most nights, thoughts of you come creeping back. They churn in the back of my mind waiting for a moment when my mental barriers are weakened, with liquor and discord, to flood my mind with guilt and happy memories of the times we shared.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 210, favs: 1, 9/29/2012
Dive In
Written for the prompt "dive in". Please read and review.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 75, 9/15/2012
The assignment was to write about two characters going on an adventure when something happens and one has to make a decision. With more time and some feedback I plan to make this piece better. Please read and review. Thanks!
Fiction: General, K, English, Adventure & Drama, words: 598, 4/11/2012
Time and Place
The assignment was to use three sentences to show an event from up close, medium distance and far away. Or something. This may end up being fleshed out into a longer piece. Please read and review.
Fiction: General, K, English, Poetry & Family, words: 66, 4/11/2012
The End
The assignment was to write about a dramatic event in a very calm voice. I had a lot of trouble with this and think it ended up just being mediocre writing with less description than I would have liked. Please read and review.
Fiction: General, K+, English, Sci-Fi & Drama, words: 322, 4/11/2012
The assignment was to write about a conversation between two characters where one can't talk for whatever reason. I was semi stumped but this is what I came up with. Enjoy, please read and review.
Fiction: General, K+, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, words: 654, 4/11/2012