Ryan from MA in the USA. Male and 16 and Awesome. 82D Just kidding, I know I couldn't fool you there! ) Oooh! Burned self! Ok...
I want you to know as of the third week of July in 2007, I have become a Believer in God. EDIT: I now know some more about the topic of my faith. It is much different from other beliefs, but similar in many ways as well. I'm not quite Christian and close to Jewish, but not quite that either. I don't label myself -- I'm simply a believer in God.
Just thought you might wanna' know...
Sita Fuoco and I are working on a story where I am writing (trying to, at least) the chapters and Sita is making an interesting themed poem for each chapter and otherwise. Check it out, It's called The Stoneworker. Hey, even if you know me and sent me a message about my story or something, I like having as many Reviews under my belt as possible, so review damn it!...!...please?
FP Need to Know's: Sita Fuoco, Mayaj, Seixe, Kt Brown, Casey Drake, and JAGuyette.
At , you can learn all about the story and album of Jimmy Cooper (written by The Who), an English teen and his inner conflict about his place in the world - which eventually lead to his suicide. I do suggest getting the album though, too. It has more information than the website, if you listen to the songs for long enough.
Also, look into . There you will find an unnamed genre of rock-band who have greatly influenced my life. Actually, I ought to say they changed it utterly. You can find the history of the band and Lacey Mosley's amazing story and, hopefully, find the same inspiration as I have.
Favorite Authors (In and out of FictionPress) - Terry Brooks, MayaJ Dworsky, R. A. Salvatore, Sita Fuoco, Mercedes Lackey (partnering with James Mallory), JAGuyette, Elaine Cunningham, Bill Waterson, Casey Drake, Richard A. Knaak, Richard Baker, nearly everyone writing for Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance, all the authors on my FP Fav. Authors List, and (clearly; without a doubt) theres myself - being the greatest writer to exist, that is. 8D
Preferred Hobbies/Interests: God, Paintball (at an employed field. Not the redneck kind!), Magic The Gathering Cards (not in ages, though), Collecting books, Collecting music, Friends, D&D (the fun kind, not the stupid -always by the rulebook-), Concerts, Festivals (such as Ozzfest, King Richards Faire etc), Writing (Whodathunkit), Having money, VH1 Classic Rock (the channel) ROCKumentaries, and many other probably boring items.