Just In
Stahlut PM
Joined Apr '07

Random me.

I just got back from two months in Tokyo then Europe, and not I am all mature and grown up and ready to actually become a responsible adult...bahahahhaha...sorry couldn't say that without laughing. No, my two months in Tokyo and Europe taught me:

- Italian guys can be incredibly sleazy

- You should try to avoid creepy guys who try to follow you back to your hotel in Paris

- Gelato is more or less heaven

- Coconut pocky rocks

- Power puff girls in Japanese is sooo much better

- Being the only girl in a hostel room isn't so bad

- Guys are easier to get along with than girls

- The Kooks are amazing

- Vienna puts a massive dent in your wallet...especially when you have no self control

- Always double check dates when booking trains

Now I hope that was insightful, and that this list has changed your life. Maybe like Tokyo changed mine...by making me fall in love with it!!!!!

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