Damn I feel old, being back onto this site after so many years. What I realize over the years is that the spirit of writing and creation has never really left, and sometimes it is worth following that trace of desire, that unyielding yearning to complete something. I don't intend to have writer's block again and I intend to begin and finish what I have started. So here it is, the summation if you will, of what I've learned and processed over the last couple years.
Dreamless Souls: A Sojourn of Fools
A story inspired by inception, mythology, dreams and nightmares, and whatever else is in this head of mine, doing its best to catch up to the crazy world we have today. It's a daring venture, doing its best to share the world and the insanity within through the eyes of not one but several individuals, all whose fates are tied by the dream, and the Game. Would be great as a visual piece, a movie, anime, game, whatever. Harder to bring that perfect image into reality. That's just how wonderful and crazy the human brain is. I hope that whoever is able to stumble onto this story, and my profile (if you are reading) can enjoy and relate to it, as we all set forth on a journey that is never too early, and never too late - as long as we dare to walk forward.