Just In
Natalie Millan
Joined May '07


-No longer empty-


-You've just wasted a few seconds of your life reading this page.-

-You're still reading?-


-Asa reward, I'll tell you something about myself-

-I'm scared of dolls.-

-Was it worth it?-

-Probably not.-

-Oh well.-

-Life isn't fair.-


Haha. Just kidding.

Here are a few things about myself:

Favorite band/s: Evanescence, Gretchen, Plain White Ts, Linkin Park, Nine Inch Nails

Favorite Fruit: Banana!

Favorite Drink: Coke Zero

Favorite Book: The Vampire Lestat, Anne Rice

Favorite Movie: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Dark Knight, Iron Man

Favorite Past Time: Listening to my iPod

Favorite Color: Dark blue, Black, Crimson or Silver

Favorite Subject: Math (so easy...no studying required XP)

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

How old: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5"4 1/3

Author: Follow Favorite

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