Heya! If you found my profile, congrats!!! I have been called a complete weirdo, just so you know. I love bunches of stuff, and am very optimistic and happy, so if I creep you out when I review, I appologize. That's just the way I am.
I also take requests for stories, so if you're bored and want a story and KNOW what you want, send it my way! I will write it no matter how vague!!
Alright, codyismypup is my bestest bestest buddy, so go read her awesome stories, okay! I COMMAND YOU. lol.
Well, certainly you are bored with me by now, so I'll shut up. See ya later!!
Thief - Cain is one of the most brilliant thieves in LUNA, an organization of those with special powers or those just looking for revenge. He is on his own journey to find a purpose in life, as his died three years ago. Did she really die? And is everyone exactly what they seem?
Working on : Chapters 2 and 3