Just In
crescent shadow PM
Joined Nov '07


I'm back! And I'm overhauling again! 'Tis that time, because I can't seem to let anything sit. I've been off of this site long enough that I can barely navigate it, which means it's time to update everything again. I'm going to be taking a lot of things down, largely because of rewriting. (I'm rewriting Black Dog again for anyone who's been following that since it was White Ink.) If you've been following anything and it's gone, PM me and I'll send it to you. I'm amenable to sending copies of old things. But the other reason for stripping this thing down and starting over is that NaNoWriMo is coming. And I'll probably use this site to keep myself on task and organized during NaNo, so I may disappear for the next month or so, but expect a flurry of writing come November.

Thanks for sticking with me!


Edit: No, but for serious guys, I'm doing the July camp and I fully intend to start posting stuff again. Because maybe it'll motivate me to write linearly for a change.

(Also, speaking of NaNo, if you'd like to find me there, my profile is here.)

Hey guys,

I'm back. I swear I will start posting again. I'm working on a set of stories for NaNo this year. So I may start posting them as I write them. I know all of my writing accounts have been pretty dead lately, but I've not gone away!


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