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9A Small Truth »
I never did give you a reason to like me.
Fiction: Romance, K, English, Romance, chapters: 4, words: 414, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 10/2/2009 published: 9/26/2009
Ode to A Stupid Apology You Gave Me
Angst & anger. Never a good combination. It all sounded better in my mind. Rated K for some angry words.
Poetry: General, K+, English, words: 151, 5/2/2009
1 Revelations They Can't Admit
Told completely in convo. If it's love, why can't they admit it? Because it's not just love. It's everything else too.
Fiction: Romance, K, English, Drama, words: 1k+, 2/6/2009
1Monster Dearest
I still k n ow nothing about you. /happy new years.
Poetry: Family, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 113, 1/1/2009
12Glimpses »
They're like memories or photographs. Take your pick. Glimpses of smiles, of new introductions, of reintroductions, and a lot of moments that could have been forgotten.
Fiction: General, K, English, Romance, chapters: 9, words: 1k+, favs: 1, updated: 12/30/2008 published: 12/6/2008
1 You'll Never Know
Because, you were an idiot, and I was too lame to tell you just then.
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, words: 92, 12/27/2008
Graduating On a Friday
I'm only glad that/this happened on a friday,/and not a tuesday,/or a monday,/or even a sunday,/because oh,/do you know the pain I feel /when you're laughing without me?
Poetry: General, K, English, Friendship, words: 215, favs: 1, 12/19/2008
2 Dark and Dingy, Bright and Vivid
Flitting like a butterfly,/ off and on again,/ you're in my line of vision,/ and just not now and then.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 56, 3/27/2008
2 Only Listen
If you would only listen,/ you would hear the words not spoken/ and the words I wish to say. /Brought you by the creator of "Today They Found a Lady on the Field".
Poetry: Life, K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 85, 3/27/2008
3 Today They Found a Lady on the Field
"Today they found a lady on the field."/My classmates whisper,/Soft whispers,/Loud whispers,/Cruel whispers/Rebounding from ear to ear/So I sneak out the classroom,/run through the back door,/Not stopping even when a man cries out, "Stop! You're only 12."
Poetry: Life, K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 361, 3/20/2008