I've decided to delete all of my existing stories off of this site and to not upload anything new. I'm working on a few different novels and have completed a few short stories, but am trying to get more things published and I don't want to risk someone stealing my work. (To be fair, the things that were on here were pretty shitty by my current standards, and part of the reason I decided to delete them was because my 22 year-old college graduate self was embarrassed.)
So sorry to those of you who read and enjoyed my work. Maybe you'll see a finished product in a bookstore one day. I can only hope.
I still plan on reading the work of others and leaving thoughtful/helpful reviews, which is why I haven't deleted my account completely.
I, im.a.werewolf.rawr, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else.
I have joined the review revolution.
(To join, post the above in your browser. And...review all the fics you read.)