I'm Catherine (shakes hands of imaginary people)Thanks for coming!Although I'd rather be at home or outside.But I digress. I'm 20...Do you know how good it feels to not be a teen anymore??.Also a rookie writer, who failed at writing before I will admit. I'm back with some new ideas that are just not easy to write down on paper. You feel me? Re-reading my old bio made me physically, and mentally cringe... I am so thankful I grew up...a little. heh.
Like I said I'm trying to make a comeback with my new story Thalassa! I can't even describe how excited I am!!! I've been trying to get my head to agree to one idea and to not be influenced by other amazing authors on here. I can only hope you guys will love it as much as I do already!
Reviews are always welcome as well as pms! Criticism will be greatly appreciated but I will not tolerate assholes or plagiarists capiche? I will be the first to light a fire under you so don't try me. :)
As always,
Chocolate makes the world go round'