You probably are reading this right now because you're wondering just who this kanders girl curb your curiosity, I'll tell you that I'm just someone who has an active imagination that just won't shut up. I have so many random ideas in my head that I need to write some of them down and further their stories. The funny thing is, either when I'm trying to come up with a new plot, or figure out how to write the next chapter of one of them, the best ideas come to me when I'm either trying to go to sleep, or already have on foot in dreamland. So, when I wake up, those ideas are just a distant bubble that has already half floated away. Sometime I'll remember it, and sometimes I won't. The easy solution is to just put a pad of paper right by my bed so I could quickly jot those things down, but I am usually so comfortable that why would I want to move my arm or my hand to make legible letters of my thoughts? Sorry, but I love my sleep. It's right up there with food on my list of my favorite things in life.
Expected to hit amazon this summer. Will update you on my website once it looks presentable :)
Follow me on twitter for more updates: xkandersx