Danielle Gin was raised with a herd of zombie cattle in the middle of Tennessee. However, by being allergic to hay and without an affinity for raw meat her nights of moaned moos at the moon were short lived. She now pays homage to her undead animal family by frequently consuming ice cream. Her short fiction has appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, the Fringe Magazine, and Postcard Shorts. She is currently editing her first novel.
A Vampire in New Jersey was a nominee for the Sinker Award (best first chapter) at the Some Kind of Wonderful Awards during round eleven. AViNJ is now available to purchase as an ebook on Barnes and Nobles website. The first five chapters have been left on fictionpress so you, the reader, may see if it's something you're actually interested in. AViNJ is a companion book to An Angel in New York. The novel is work in progress and will return in May, 2011.
Oliver;; Earl Gray;; Dune;; Florence
An Angel in New Yorkwas a nominee for Best Original Universe at the Some Kind of Wonderful Awards during round eleven. Jess Wu was a nominee at the Some Kind of Wonderful Awards during round nine for Best Supporting Character. The novel is complete at 72,000 words and is being revised.
Ryland O’Doul;; Brad Wu;; Jess Wu
Define Dead was a nominee for the Tragedy Award during round one at La Campanella. The novel is indefinetly on hiatus.
Babs McGee made a fantastic drawing of Percy and Michel.