Just In
Andromeda Kaine PM
Joined Jul '08

Hi I'm "The Jasmine Deity"

I've been on FictionPress for a couple of months, but I've been reading other Author's stories for a while, and I am very impressed at the number of great writers out there. I'm also on Fanfiction as well, but I go by Norientra, yeah I'm not very creative when it comes to Pen names. I'm also on Livejournal as Norientra. Here's just a little about myself. I'm a Cancer, 22 years old, from the USA.

I'm into Taichi. I have learned a little of the Japanese language and plan on extending my knowledge to learn the Greek and Latin language. In the future I hope to travel to a few places, mainly Japan, Greece and Venice. I love to listen to my music. I mainly like to listen to Rock. My top 5 Bands are Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, 30 Seconds to Mars, Evanescence, and Amorphis. I hope to get a few stories up more sooner than later. Hopefully they will be just as great as the ones I have read.

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