Just In
Kiya14 PM
Joined Jul '08


A little about me then:

I have been writing for quite a long time but sadly have never had the courage to do anything with the numerous Memory Sticks I have accumulated.

I don't claim to be a fabulous writer - certainly no Charlotte Bronte but I would very much appreciate any comments/reviews/criticism/suggestions in order to improve my writing and to be sure that I don't inflict anything too dreadful upon the world!

My own favorite authors are (possibly unsurprisingly) Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Jane Austen and Wilkie Collins (and have recently discovered someone else who thinks he's fabulous - just as I was starting to think I was in a majority of one!). From a more contemporary list are Ellis Peters, Agatha Christie, Christian Jacq (I'm nuts about Ancient Egypt), Alexander McCall Smith and Elizabeth Peters. That said, I will read more or less anything.

I would like to thank all those people who took the time and trouble to review the stories that I have written. I am going to be removing them on the basis that they really aren't what I want them to be. I may re-write them or I may start again with fresh ideas.

I have truly appreciated your support!

Have a great day.


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