Just In
StellaSun PM
Joined Sep '08

It has been a solid two years since I last wrote on fictionpress. In all that time, I've come to change colleges, my major, and strengthen the voice I use to write with. I've read some more, and lived a heck of a lot. My previous work has a lot to be desired in my opinion, and while I'm 'back' I'm not neccessarily up to editing it all, and starting from scratch.

This is a creative outlet, not a dissertation, and as such...I'm sorry for sucking, but...I'll probably be shoddy with updates. I know it is annoying, unprofessional etc etc, I wish I had enough imagination to be an unending spring of awesomeness.

A little bit about me :

- I'm 21, but inside, 30-something

-One of my favorite works of art is in Chicago, Chagall's Windows

-I would wear boots every single day if I had the right life for it, every.single. day.

-I sometimes wish I could just fiddle with paints and crafts all day, or sing, or play with my nieces

- despite the above, I major in Political Science, and maybe this account is an escape from that sometimes terrible, often times hypocritical world

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