Just In
Joined Nov '08

lala: isn't the new pic cute schme!! i think it is soooooo cute and i would play catch with it every day!! (this picture was drawn and created by firedarkdragon on deviant art and is the coolest artist you have to admit.) (if your an artist or you know of good art then i probably haven't seen it dont kill me!!)

okay on with wateva that thing is bellow this... i no it made no sense to me too...

hello... well if you hadn't already guessed by our pen name we are two(2) people. and if you had guessed well coudos to you!!

we are girls and best friends. hahaha it funny cause it's true! that is our humour. get used to it.

if you like our humour then read our stories...you will soon find that you are retarded too!! join the club.

We're true blue aussies and damn proud of it!! if our stories seem american that is not our fault its our brains. (that made no sense)

anyway... we like to read. why? well we have no idea. so stop asking. STOP!!(it might also be due to the fact that we have no social lives well lala doesnt anyway)

lala: that is not true schme and you know it!

Schme: it is okay Lala, we all know you have issues with humans.

lala: wtf! your the one with issuses you stupid little fat kid!

Schme: no need for insults that just makes you a bad person!! and don't deny the fact that you can't stand people that is why we are bestest friends. (cos we aren't normal) and if i am a stupid little fat kid what does that make you? A fuckwit?

lala: no schme that is what luke is. you must be deranged. poor schme

Schme: yeh Luke has got that name downpat but i am not dereanged either...that goes to our art teacher...remember she is the deranged women who is out to kill us.!!

lala: you have a point there. she is very insane and should be locked up! infact i am calling the police right now! (calls police)

Schme: (while Lala calls police schme plots a very evil plan)

to be continued... (when lala isn't typing her freaking CST homework)

(lala is done yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!)


lala: haha i am back!!


lala: okay talk about awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwkkkward. well thank god i'm still alive from what i have read schme wasn't going to be to nice to me...

lala: i feel so un loved!! whaaaaaaa fake sobbs

oh oh i would like to waste these few seconds of your time to say that reading this little section of our profile( the non-bold part i am writting now) is a complete waste of your presious time. haha i wasted seconds of your life!! i feel so proud. :)

lala: sorry about that i just had to it was to much fun!!

ok bye for nodsklfjhreiugdy;arelgjaoigyfaerlfgijhsiodtgfaeolrtgiloartgfaerygsdths

dam you, you evil little boy!!

my brother has just written on our page and has done something so that i can't get rid of it... fuckwit!!

lala: i bet you you couldn't say that word if you can your a hero!

okay now i am leaving... sound of a door opening and closing

lala: ssssssssssssscccccccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! where aaaarrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee youuuuuu?!

lala: i am soooooooooo lonely!! she has abandoned me and the story the poor poor story!! (fake crying)

Schme: I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!! oh and by the way lala was the one that left the story at school...so my loyal fans blame her!! (laughs like a hyena on drugs)

lala: well my loyal fans can blame sschme... (crickets) what!! i have no fans!! that is sooo not cool you should all love me and not this schme person i mean who does she think she is!! she has stolen my fans away from me and now she will pay!! (plans evil things)

lala: i have now gone on strike and will not be writing until sam tells me her password cause she locked me out of my computer by changing my password and it was not funny cause i was going to write some of the next chapter but now i wont!! EVERYONE BLAME SAM!!

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