Name: Sarah Louise
Age: Slashing everything from movies, books and friends since '87
Nationality: British. I like to prove this by drinking my weight in tea.
Is: A gay man in a woman's body
Current Occupation: Retail assistant/Wannabe writer/Procrastinator Extraordinaire
The thing about life is, its full of disappointments. I figured by the time i was in my twenties, i would have an amazing full time job, travelling the world, living in my own house and generally rocking the world. But relity comes along and bites you in the ass. Instead, i have recently graduated with a usualess degree that has shut more doors than opened them. I work part-time in a job that i loathe, still living with my parents and most of my friends have moved back home after graduating and i stuck staring at the four walls of my bedroom.
Thank christ i have a sense of humour.
So, having just completed three years of a history degree, i figured it was about time i cast off the heavy chains of laziness and i really can't be bothered and get down to some seriuz writin' biznizz fo sho. It looks like i'm going to need all the lols i can possibly get to compensate the crushing disappointment of not being a multi-millionaire like i had been promised.
I have also made my poor poor friends suffer long enough with being guinea pigs for my stories. So i made the brave decision to once again pick up a pen (or open Microsoft Word Document) and make you guys suffer through it instead.
You are very welcome. :)
I came. I saw. I wrote crap slash fiction because of it.
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