Just In
My Secret Rage PM
Joined Jan '09

Hey Everybody!!

So there is something's you should know about the account. It is a joint account. At one point it belonged to one but we decided to make a story together. SO BE WARNED THERE WILL BE CHOCOLATE THROWING...yea right like we would ever waste chocolate...mmm chocolate. Hey! Why am I writing this all up? HOW come your not helping, Miss. CJ?

Well, I guess I will introduce myself first! My name is Ashley. I do have my own account. I am Nineteen. I love chocolate which is sad since i can't eat it. It breaks my heart it really does. I am the more sane one of this Dynamite Duo. Seriously I am. I don't go off into Lala Land as often as C.J does--which is often. We both love the supernatural like crazy. There is always an argument of what is better VAMPIRES or werewolves. And not because of twilight we have loved it way before that like when we were in grade Nine.

(If this story turns out good, We should totally do one about Vampires. What do you think, C.J? )

And that is everything I can think of right now. OHOHOHOH, We hope to do weekly updates so the chapters will be really long but not long that you get bored of it though.

Our Prologue Should be out February Third. For a story that has not been named yet. We are kinda waiting on C.J's part of the story and then we have editing. (Maybe we should get a Beta but there is two of us. But neither of us really like editing...but we re-read it so many time that we should catch it. You guys should let us know if we would be better with a Beta after you read.)

And we are going to try our DARNEST to have our profile updated every week with when the next update is going to be. Shouldn't be to hard there is two of us... HAHAHAH LMAO YEA RIGHT!! WHO AM I KIDDING?? WE PROBABLY WILL BOTH FORGET TO UPDATE THIS NIFTY LITTLE PROFILE.

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