Just In
annoyance PM
Joined Feb '09

July 2011

Hello all!

I am determined to start frequenting FP again (damn you real life for getting in the way), and getting to work on more stories and contests. Speaking of contests, here's a shout out to ElleAyyeBabii's story Lucky Melissa; I think I should have mentioned the year along with the date and month on my contest guidelines...long story short, the entry was due to an innocent error turned in a year late! But I love that she took the effort to go through with the guidelines, and even though I can't let her be a part of the contest (for the simple fact that is over), I can and have included the story in the contest c2.


I'm doing this because it's my fault for being ambiguous with the year. Now, I'm starting in no uncertain terms: NO MORE ENTRIES ARE CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED.

There will however be a spanking new contest coming right up, so watch out for that (Lord, I feel like a cheesy TV salesperson).

Below is the link to Ridiculously Happy Contest's official webpage. Shiny graphics await you. And in the near future guidelines for the new contest.


Go check it out.

What are you waiting for? Go!

I'm always looking for support with GRAPHICS - not my forte to put it kindly. If you're any good at this sort of thing let me know. My contact details are below.

Name: Annoyance, Ann O' Yance...whatever floats your boat.

About Me: If you're here on my profile, it's probably because of (a) my contests, (b) my petition, (c) my reviews or (d) my stories. Therefore, on this site, I am a reader, a writer, a contest holder, and a petition maker!

Sorry. That's all you're getting out of me. Shakes head at stalkers.

Talk To Me: LiveJournal (annoyance15) -- Twitter (fantabulastic) -- Email (check above) -- PM (also check above)

Manager of Ridiculously Happy OneShots. Subscribe and show your love :)

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