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(¸.•´ (¸.•´~Pass the ribbon around if you know someone that has survived, DIED, or is living with cancer!
Five Stories That Deserve a Prize:
Tomato Love:Cheeselover827 This is a worthwhile love story, that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Todd and Marley are one of the cutest couples I have ever come across.
The Merman's Kiss: Ms. Poe: This is an amazing fantasy love story. The plus-no Mary-Sues! Only, you are going have to wait until it get's published to read it.
My Once Upon a Time: iwishiwasginny1234 A super cute, high school story. It's a bit short, but it is really sweet. Especially the end, the ending was great.
Vacancy in Venice: CassieJames96 A wonderful combination of drama and love!
Lost Felicity: ashlalayy aka freddi d This story will make you laugh and cry
Been a while, hasn't it? I am truly sorry to those who have been waiting on an update from Stick Figures, The Famine of Happiness, and Secertus but those are permanently on hold. Truth is, I haven't been too happy with what I have been writing. I feel like it is too...emotional. Like, there was too much talking and not enough action. I honestly feel like I have written weak characters, and I don't really like that. So, while I am going to write again (I have a story in mind) it is probably not going to be like my other stories.
I'll be honest, I was planning on leaving Fictionpress. I have a story that I want to write, and I have already to decided to commit four years of my life to it (three years now, actually). However, not writing...has left a hole inside of me. I love the little story that I am nursing (in the processes of building up the world), but I need to actually write something.
Um...this is the end of my little...note. Haha, sorry, if you have noticed anything from my stories it's that I'm good at beginnings, but dreadful at endings.