Just In
Eirian PM
Joined Feb '00
Due to the fact that someone recently flamed me for several of my stories, I am no longer allowing anonymous reviews. I'm very sorry about this, especially because I was only flamed for my older anime stories, but I can't choose which stories to allow anonymous reviews, so none of them allow it anymore.

The flames didn't actually bother me -- I found them rather funny, since it described my physical appearance, and I've never posted my picture or anything like that. What did bother me was the fact that I was expecting a nice review, and was excited to see that '[email protected]' address, and when I opened it, here was this person telling me I would burn in hell for the things I wrote.

It was very obvious in the last review that they had read if not all of my stories, most of my anime ones - which I clearly state at the beginning any warnings as to pairings and such. Why would you read something if you're thinking the entire time, "This is disgusting"?

And, just for reference for anyone else who decides to flame me: It's spelled YAOI. not yaio. Please get it right next time. I have no delusions that I'm gonna get flamed again - it happens. There are closed-minded people in the world; I'm related to many of them.

You can make an account and not have any stories - just click on 'Log In' at the top, and it has a button to make a new account. You don't have to pay anything for the account, unless you want bonus stuff (I don't pay anything), and a lot of authors like signed reviews, because they can go to your page. I like it 'cause I can look at other people's stories, and I tend to review for them as well.

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