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Skyterra PM
My Stories 2
1 A Little Something Called Impulsive Loyalty One shot. "Personal Narrative." It was a rule to stay out of other people's business, even though that was hard, especially when the damsel in distress was your best friend. However - sometimes, rules just needed to be broken.
Fiction: General, K+, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, 1/14/2010
2It's a Complicated Switch » SKoW Challenge Response. When Vienne's best friend performs a spell, she thinks it's just a good-for-nothing joke. When she wakes up the next morning in her crush's body, that's when things go crazy.
Fiction: General, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 2, follows: 3, updated: 1/4/2010 published: 1/2/2010
Author: Follow Favorite

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